Monday, September 24, 2007


I miss the rain.

The countless cups of hot chocolate I've had here are meaningless and uninspiring without the raindrops knocking on the window, urging me to wonder about things. Things. Anything. This and that. And then the creativity would follow and I would be able to write a song or come up with a way to spend the rest of my day.

When I go out, I don't have to worry about my dress getting wet, and where to put my umbrella when I'm finally at the restaurant. I don't have to worry about taxis rejecting me because of the heavy traffic and the flood. But I miss being challenged by the weather. I miss insisting on going somwhere even when the radio says it's Signal Number 2. Now I can go out, brush the sand off my shoes and go about my business, but then everything ends up so dry. Literally.

Rain is something I need right now. The sun here is blinding, and the air conditioning makes everyone a little colder than they already are. Rain is just perfect. Stay inside and you're warm. Brave it and you're tickled and refreshed.

Three long months of dryness. Three more months. Can't wait.

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