Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Forget potions.
Dr. Ibrahim is the best dermatologist in the world.
Very reassuring, calm and prescribes nothing but the best.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Brunch with the girls!

This weekend took a LOT out of me.
But can't complain because it was awesome!
Here are some pictures from out Friday brunch.
It was super fun pigging out and goofing around with my sisters!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What my handwriting says about me...

Handwriting Analysis

What does your handwriting say about YOU?

The results of your analysis say:

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

Best Overnight Zit Zappers

1. Bioessence Acne Lotion. This can be bought in the Philippines for a little over a hundred pesos, and it lasts for over six months. It's best applied on blackheads that tend to become full-blown zits. It contains salicylic acid and is tinted, so it can be applied under make up. I personally don't use it during the day, because it smells funny. But apply it in the evening and you will wake up less oily.

2. Fucidin H. It is an antibacterial cream and it was recommended by my dermatologist, for HUGE pus-filled pimples. Zits multiply because the bacteria is spread around the face, so it is important to stop stupidly touching your face all the time to check if your zits have vanished. Fucidin comes in gel or cream form. I personally like gel because it stays on my face longer, therefore more product is absorbed overnight. I woke up today to find the zit on my forehead less noticeable. Yay!

3. Ice. Oh my gosh, ice is the best! For really red zits that tend to get bigger during the day, ice application is the solution. Wrap a cube in a paper towel and dab it on the spot. Don't press hard, just enough to numb that sonuvagun. Do that for ten minutes, and do the whole thing at least twice a day.

And for scars, use papaya soap or hydroquinone cream. But use them sparingly. We girls tend to be impatient and put a sh*tload of product on our faces. That is NOT cool. Your face will saga and get all wrinkly fast if you do that. Moderately apply stuff on your face.

And also control your drinking. Make sure you drink lots of water to keep you hydrated. Especially in humid weather. I think that's how I got my gigantic zit on my forehead this week.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Had fun!
Spent lunch time at home stuffing my face with siopao and chips.
I also mock-proposed to Fifi by going down on one knee and offering her a piece of cake that looked exactly like a Tiffany blue box.
It was tear-jerking. In many ways.
Anyway Fifi and I collaborated on another rap song.
She's my Dr. Dre/Timbaland in a lot of ways, and I'm her Eminem/50 Cent.
Actually we borrowed Leslie Knope's rendition of a famous early 90s rap song.
Well, famous if you were a Fresh Prince fan.
We are not dorks, but we couldn't think of anything else to do.
Will post it here soon :)
Oh my gosh multi-media savvy beats being president any day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

I am so happy today!
The big zit smack in the middle of my forehead is a speck of dirt in my life.
That's the power of optimism and morning workouts.
Also I think my thighs are getting smaller.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I have been waking up extra early lately to go for a swim in the morning and talk to my mom on the phone. It feels great!
I get a lot done before 9 AM, like go to the bank or make my morning warm water and lemon concoction and sip it slowly.
I also have a lot of time to clear my mind before starting another long day at work.
It is so great to be an early bird for a change!
I've been a late sleeper for so long, maybe a decade!
And to wake up at 630 in the morning to jump in the pool is a big achievement for me!
Some people climb Mt. Everest, some decide to end their drug addiction, some get all of their teeth repaired, and I decide to wake up three hours earlier than my usual wake up time.
Not bad.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Handsome Men's Club

Oh my gosh!
How handsome are the men in the Handsome Men's Club?
I'm surprised the studio didn't explode when they all got together.
Okay, my top three picks are:

Rob Lowe
Lenny Kravitz
John Kasinski

Sunday, June 12, 2011

World of 30

Check this out! This group I am working with posted the short video I made about two girls who share what they love about their age. Both are based in Dubai and turning 30 this year, and are looking forward to a lot of things after hitting the big Three-Oh. More importantly, they are happy!

World of 30 is a group dedicated to women who are either approaching their 30s, have turned 30, or are in their early 30s. The founders are beautiful, creative, and determined to reach out to women all over the world to address their concerns that come with their age.

I am so happy they found me! :)

Thursday, June 09, 2011

They say that God will never give you a challenge that you cannot overcome.
Today, I have accepted a very big one, and it is about to change my life.
This will bring my self-respect to greater heights and make my family happier than ever.
Most importantly, it will make me worthy to be God's beautiful child.
All for Your glory, God. Amen.