Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's going to be a great week

Last week was rough. Not enough sleep, ruffled some feathers and felt undeserving of resentment from some people.

This week however, is going swimmingly. I rediscovered my Twitter account and have been Tweeting endlessly and following random people. Receiving emails and texts from the boyfriend - such a responsible and sweet thing to do. I didn't even have to remind him :)

I was able to spend quality time with friends. Last Friday I was with the girls and we went out and we danced a little bit and a had a row with the waiters over the bill. Also spent time with Maers, who is currently getting over someone. Someone ugly. Dumb too.

We worked out, but we canceled out our fitness efforts with a couple of stupid food choices - jogging, KFC, swimming, ice cream. But yeah I plan to go healthy again today, Sunday, by walking around during my break and serving myself the healthiest meals. That's really key to a happy heart and an even happier digestive system.

So yeah this week is going to be great, work-wise and bowel movement-wise.

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