Monday, October 30, 2006

the essentials

Last night I advised someone to travel light.
Drop the things that he wouldn't be needing, and be on his way.
And in his defense he said he was trying to let go, but how can one person NOT be affected by another person?
Of course everyday we touch lives and we can't help but feel for others.
I know!
But if we all feel for others then we would forget about ourselves!
Like that woman on Oprah who just couldn't resist taking stray cats, because the sight of a cat on the street, homeless and lost, broke her heart.
She ended up with almost a hundred cats, and she couldn't handle them all.
Her house was reeking of cat litter and catfood and cat saliva and it was CATastrophic.
So you see, there are things that you would really have to discard if you want to go a long way.
Get rid of these things and take what you NEED.
And he just couldn't imagine leaving someone else who made him feel so special, who adored him, who would give up everything for him.
I still maintain that he doesn't need her, because he has mor important things to work on at the moment and whether or not she loves him doesn't matter at all.
And then he shifted the focus to me.
He said I was afraid of letting someone in because I was too scared to handle it.I'm not.
I am ready, ready as I'll ever be.
Ready for people who are ready, at least.
And it's killing me everyday to realize that there no such person at the moment.
But I've got my essentials.
The essentials.
Family, friends, good job, values intact (weird ones).

Essentials my foot.

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